Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Iran - Kermanshah - Razi University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Animal Science

3 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran


In the current study, the effects of quinoa seed treating on chemical compounds and anti-nutritional factors by four treatments:1)raw seeds, 2)seeds of soaken in 40ºCwater by ratio of1:10during 24 hours, 3)seeds of soaken in 1%acetic acid solution by ratio of 1:5during 24hours, 4)seeds of soaken in 1%sodium bicarbonate solution by ratio of 1:10during 24hours, in five replications and diets ileal digestibility in 240laying quails by six treatments: 1)corn-soybean meal without quinoa seeds based diet, 2)diet containing 10%raw quinoa seeds, 3)diet containing 10%quinoa seeds of soaken in 40ºC water, 4) diet containing 10% quinoa seeds of soaken in 1% acetic acid solution, 5) diet containing 10% quinoa seeds soaken in 1% sodium bicarbonate solution 6) diet containing 10% raw quinoa seeds supplemented with 0.05% Rovabio multi-enzyme in five replications, and eight birds per replication by a completely randomized design, were investigated. The soaking in 1% acetic acid solution significantly decreased the crude fiber of quinoa seeds (P<0.05). The soaking in 1% sodium bicarbonate solution significantly increased the crude ash and sodium of quinoa seeds (P<0.05). The lowest tannin and trypsin inhibitors in seeds of soaken in water 40ºC and the lowest saponin and phytic acid were in seeds of soaken in 1%acetic acid solution (P<0.05). Treating and enzyme supplementation, significantly increased the ileal digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, ash, calcium, and phosphorus of the diet (P<0.05). Soaking quinoa seeds in 1% acetic acid solution by ratio of 1:5 during 24 hours was the best treating method.


Main Subjects

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