Determination of digestibility and utilization of ensiled broad bean stover on performance of fattening Dalagh lambs.

Document Type : Research Paper



In this research, first eighty five percent of broad bean stover mixed with nine percent of wheat straw and six percent of sugar beet molasses ensiled and its digestibility determined by four mature weathers. In the next stage, broad bean stover silage (BBSS) included in the ration of twenty male lambs with average body weight of 25.53±2.23 kg for 84 days in a completely randomized design. Forage to concentrate ratio were 30:70 in all diets. The forage content of the experimental diets included: 1) 60% alfalfa + 40% wheat straw (control), 2) 40% alfalfa + 26.7% wheat straw + 33.3% BBSS, 3) 20% alfalfa + 13.3% wheat straw and 66.7% BBSS and 4) 100% BBSS. Dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, ether extract and acid detergent fiber in the BBSS were 30, 89.75, 10.82, 0.6 and 42.6 percent respectively. Metabolizable energy and total digestible nutrient of BBSS were 1.98 Mcal/kg and 42.97 percent respectively. The results of fattening trial showed that the highest dry matter intake (1.84 kg/d/animal) were in control group and the lowest amount (1.57 kg/d/animal) observed in fourth treatment (P<0.05). Increase the level of BBSS in the ration, reduced average daily gain of the lambs (P<0.05) but feed conversion ratio improved none significantly. Therefore, BBSS can be included as a forage sources in the growing lambs ration.

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