Factors associated with the acceptance & rejection of rural livestock insurance in Garmsar(Semnan province)

Document Type : Research Paper



The main objevtive  of  the study is to determine the factors which influence the addeptance or rejection of rural livestock insurance in Garmsar. The research method is descriptive one. There are  two groups of  research populations: 1467 cases in acceptance group & 7000 cases in rejection group. The sample population is 320 cases among 8467 ones. Data collection instrumennt is questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire  was measured by faculty members & other agriculture  experts & also reliability of  it determined through Cronbach alpha which was %83.  correlation between acceptance & rejection of  investigated population. According to the findings of the research, between educational level, basic income from farm-related communication channels, contacts of experts and acceptance & rejection of livestock insurance at %5 & the mortality rate, loan awareness of the objectives of the livestock insurance benefits %1 there is a meaningful relationship. Mann -Whitney   test shows  the different educational levels, different awareness & interest to livestock insurance between the two groups. Besides, the T-test shows the livestock losses rate in two groups

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