Effect of different levels of sumac powder ( Rhus coriaria L. ) and probioenzyme on performance and parameters of blood of Japanese quail(Coturnix japonica).

Document Type : Research Paper



This experiment was carried out to determine the effect of different levels of sumac powder (Rhus coriaria L.) in the ration with and without probioenzyme on the performance and parameters of blood cholesterol and triglycerides of Japanese quail, from the age of 8 to 42 days, based on a completely randomized design, containing 8 treatment, 3 repetion, and 5 chicks of quail with both sexes in each repetion. Sumac powder was used in 4 levels: 0, 0.075, 0.125 and 0.175 percent, each level with 2 levels of probioenzyme (0 and 0.014 percent), and finally the individual and reciprocal effects of these two kinds of treatments onJapanese quail performance were examined and studied. Different levels of probioenzyme no meaningful differences on the examined qualities (p>0/05). Different levels of sumac powder no meaningful differences on the examined qualities (p>0/05). There was also no meaningful differences in these qualities under the reciprocal effect of sumac powder and probioenzyme different levels (p>0/05). Under the effect of sumac powder 0.175 percent level feed conversion ratio was no meaningful increased more (p>0.05). Parallel to increasing the levels of sumac powder in the ration, mean of the live, chest, gizzard, liver, heart, small intestine, large intestine weight and Length and weight cecum no meaningful decrease and the length of small intestine, large intestine no meaningful increase was observed (p>0/05). Compared with levels 0.075 0.175 percent, the level 0.125 percent of sumac powder in this experiment improved and increased some qualities increased but no meaningful (p>0.05).

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