Morphological and histological study of the liver, spleen and pancreas in Guinea fowl

Document Type : Research Paper



Guinea fowls belong to the pheasant’s category. Liver is the largest gland in the body, pancreas for digestive secretions and also spleen is of a importance as it is the largest lymphatic gland in adult mammals and poultry. As there are some differences in species and the two sex in these organs, and also there are not any research done on pheasant’s category like guinea fowl, these organs were studied morphologically and histologically. For this study 20 adult male and female guinea fowl were selected and their liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen were morphologically studied, then tissue samples were taken. Samples were obtained, using Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain Kit. Morphological and Histological results were basically the same as other poultry with this difference that in pancreas ventral lobe is longer and thinner that the dorsal lobe. In histologic study kupffer cells are rarely exist in hepatic sinusoid’s wall, also in the gall bladder’s wall in addition to the  simple columnar epithelium, pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium was seen. T student result in liver, spleen and pancreas suggest that there is no significance difference in the size of males and females in  this organs.


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