Evaluation of native chicken performance in rural areas of Isfahan province

Document Type : Research Paper



This study was conducted to investigate performance of native chickens produced in the centre of production and breeding of native chicken of Isfahan in rural areas of Isfahan province by using 1440 native pullets with age of 45 days in 4 towns and 2 climate zone of warm and cold. This study employed by coworking 60 rural families that 24 pullets with age of 45 days with ratio of 5 hen to 1 rooster were given to every family. The results indicated that the meaning weight of native hen and rooster pullets in Isfahan Province at ages of 8, 12 and 24 week were respectively 671± 109 and 853 ± 125, 929 ± 177 and 1199 ± 237, 1765 ± 363 and 2167 ± 335 gram. The meaning weight of native pullets at towns with warm climate were bigger than towns with cold climate. The meaning mortality of native chickens up to age of 8, 12, 24, 48 and 75 week were respectively 6 ± 3.6 , 10 ±7.1, 16 ± 10.4 , 26 ± 12.6 and 32 ± 12.5 percent. There was no significant difference between total mortality in warm and cold climate. The age of start laying, peak of egg production, percentage of peak production of native chickens were respectively 172 ±12 days (24 ± 1.8 weeks), 40 ± 4.5 weeks and 63 ± 10.8 percent, whereas the age of start laying in warm climate was significantly (P< 0.05) lower than cold climate. The age of 50 percent production, total laying rate, meaning weight of egg, the number and total amount of egg production during a period of 12 months were respectively 45 ± 3.1 week, 44 ± 9.7 percent, 53± 2.4 gram, 155 ± 35.9 and 8 ±2 kilogram. The age of 50 percent production in warm climate was significantly lower than cold climate. The meaning weight of egg affeced by the climate so that the meaning weight of egg in cold climate was significantly (P< 0.05) higher than warm climate.


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