Genetic and phylogenetic analysis D-Loop region of mitochondrial genome in Khorasan native turkey

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to genetic and phylogenetic analysis of D-Loop region in Khorasan Razavi native turkey. The blood samples were collected from 20 birds.  After DNA extraction, 850 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b was amplified with specific primers. The amplified fragments were sequenced. 10 different heliotypes based on five nucleotide sequences were determined. The final sequence of each haplotype with an approximate length of 723 bp was containing 23.10 % of adenine, 16.04% guanine, 30.71% cytosine and 30.15 % of the thymine. phylogenetic results by UPGM showed that Khorasan Razavi native turkey had a closer relationship with native America , Italy and South Africa turkeys compare other than which may be due to the very close genetic affinity turkey breeds Khorasan Razavi with this turkeys
