Document Type : Research Paper



Milk production and its components are belong to quantitative and polygenic traits and affected by many genes. This study was conducted to determine the polymorphism in β-lactoglobulin, prolactin and DGAT1 genes of buffaloes in Khuzestan province using PCR-RFLP technique. Therefore, blood samples were collected from 200 buffaloes of Khuzestan province and then DNA samples were extracted using optimal and modified salting-out method. After DNA extraction, the genotype of the animals was determined by PCR-RFLP. For genotyping of animals, the 262 bp fragment of exon and intron 4 of the beta-lactoglobulin, the 411 bp fragment of exon 8 of the DGAT1 and the 156 bp fragment of exon 3 of the prolactin genes were amplified and then digested using restriction enzyme HeaIII, CfrI and RsaI, respectively. Then restricted PCR products electrophoresed on 2% agaros gel and stained in etediumbromide. Results of this study showed that the allele of B, the allele of A and the allele of K has been fixed in beta-lactoglobulin, prolactin and DGAT1 loci in buffalo population of Khuzestan, respectively and polymorphism was not seen for any of these loci.


نشریه ترویجی (1387). پرورش گاومیش درخوزستان. کمیته انتشارات ترویج و توسعه کشاورزی خوزستان. ص ص: 20-23.
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