Document Type : Research Paper



This experiment was conducted for effect of feeding fermented rapeseed meal on reduction salmonella population in broiler chickens. A total of 240 Cobb 500 broilers in a completely randomized design were allocated to 6 treatments with 4 replicates of 10 chickens each. Experimental treatments were including negative control (not challenged by salmonella), positive control (challenged by salmonella) and treatments containing 50 and 100% raw or/and fermented rapeseed meal replaced by soybean meal in diet. All broilers were challenged by Salmonella typhimurium using oral gavage except negative control at the end of 3 day of rearing. Results showed that 7 and 14 days post challenge, the percentage of contamination in fermented rapeseed meal treatments were less than positive control and raw rapeseed meal treatments. Weight gain and feed conversion ratio in positive control and 50% fermented rapeseed meal treatment were significantly different with other challenged treatments (P<0.05). Therefore, According to the positive results of feeding fermented rapeseed meal on health and performance of broiler chickens challenged with salmonella, this processed protein source could be considered as a new strategy to control salmonella contamination.


پوررضا، ج. و ق، صادقی. 1385. تغذیه مرغ. (ترجمه)، تألیف: اسکات، ا. چاپ اول، انتشارات ارکان، 672 ص.
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