Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assiastant professor- Bu-Ali Sina university

2 professor-Bu-Ali sina university

3 asossiated professor-Bu-Ali sina university

4 asossiated professoer-Bu-Ali sina university


This experiment was conducted to consider of sunflower meal (SFM) levels and protease enzyme on performance, egg quality traits and intestinal morphology of laying hens from 78 to 86 weeks of age. In total, one hundred and twenty white Bovans laying hens were used in 6 treatments, 5 replicates and 4 hens in each in a factorial arrangement 3×2 by completely randomized design (CRD). The experimental treatments contain 3 levels (0, 6.78 and 13.56% SFM) and 2 levels of protease enzyme (0 and 200 g/ton). Results have shown that second level of SFM (6.78%) in the diet increased egg production than control treatment (P<0.05). Feed intake increased significantly (p<0.05) by enzyme supplementation. Increased feed intake by 13.56% SFM with enzyme than 0 and 13.56% SFM without enzyme and 6.78% SFM with enzyme supplementation (p<0.05). Egg quality including shape index, yolk index, haugh unit and shell weight (p<0.05) were improved by protease enzyme. Duodenal villus width significantly decreased by 13.56% of SFM without enzyme supplementation (p<0.05). Height of duodenal villus decreased by enzyme supplementation (p<0.05). The general results have indicated that could be use sunflower meal up to 13.56% with enzyme in laying hens diet without any adverse effect on performance.


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