Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of scientific board of agricultural and natural researsh and education center of golestan province

2 Member of scientific board of Agricultural and natural resorces research and education center of Golestan province


Brassica juncea (L) belongs to the Cruciferae plant family commonly known as the mustard family. It is grown to a height of one to two meters. In order to investigate the effect of molasses on the fermentation quality and nutritive value of fodder mustard (Brassica Mustard), the three levels of molasses in a completely randomized design with five replicates were used. For this purpose mustard fodder was obtained at dent stage, chopped with an average particle length of 2 Cm and were preserved in 10Kg plastic boxes by mixing molasses at 0 , 3 and 6% of forage dry matter with five replicates. Silos were kept at room temperature and opened at 45 days for determination of pH , apparent specificity of silage( smell, structure and color), chemical composition(DM, CP, CF, NDF, ADF, ash , WSC and In Vitro digestibility. All of the silages had desirable degree of quality based on Flieg Point . NH3-N value concentration of silage decreased and WSC increased with increasing level of molasses addition (P>0.05). The effect of molasses on DM, CP, CF, OM and ADF contents was non- significant. The OMD(organic matter digestibility), DMD(dry matter digestibility) and DOMD( Digestibility of Organic Matter in the Dry) were increased by ensiling with molasses. The highest DMD(64.7%) and OMD(60.01%) were observed in treatment T3. In conclusion it was shown that mustard fodder can be effectively ensieled without molasses. However , additional 6% molasses to fodder of Mustard resulted in improved fermentation quality and nutritive value of silage.


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