The effects of feeding management on performance of broiler farms of Golestan provice via using multi-criteria decision analysis

Document Type : Research Paper



This study was performed to evaluate the effect of management indices on broiler farm efficiencies using a multi-criteria decision making model. Data was collected from a random sampling process including 68 questionnaires in the province of Golestan, in Iran. Feed intake, body weight, feed conversion ratio and survival percentage were considered as experimental traits.Farms were divided to four performance index ranges including weak group (200±25), intermediate group (250±25), suitable group (300±25) and top group (350±25). Multi-criteria decision making model was employed for determination the effect of management indices on efficiency of broiler farms. SAW method was used for determination of major factors affecting the performance parameters, Usage management factors, assessment of effective management factor on difference between the four groups and contribution of these factors in conflicts. According to the results intermediate and top group were aaplied nutrition management indices in a maximum level with 75.52 and 59.53 percent respectively. Among the nutrition management indices using feeding pellet, feeding system and diet number had most effects on differences between groups of broiler with 57.07, 29.04 and 7.36 percent respectively.


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