Document Type : Research Paper


Isfahan Research and Training Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, P.O.Box: 81785-199, Fax: 031-37757022


The present study was carried out to investigate chemical composition and characteristics of Cynara scolymus in silage conditions. This experiment was conducted in a complete random design with 7 treatments including control (only forage)(T1), forage and 5% molasses (T2), forage and 10% molasses (T3), forage and 1% urea (T4), forage and 5% molasses plus 1% urea (T5), forage and 2% urea (T6), forage and 5% molasses plus 2% urea (T7). Results obtained showed that average dry matter of silages was 24.38%. Dry matters of T4, T5 and T7 were significantly lower than other treatments (P<0.05). In addition, the treatments content 1 and 2% urea (T4, T5, T6 and T7) showed higher CP than other groups (P<0.05). The highest NDF and ADF were significantly observed in control group (T1) (P<0.05). The quality assessment showed that T4 and control groups significantly had the highest apparent quality compared to other groups and also with the highest energy content in T4 (P<0.05). The highest total volatile fatty acids was significantly observed in T3 and T5 comparison to control (P<0.05). No significant differences were observed among treatment for pH. In addition, T6 and T7 significantly showed the highest ammonia nitrogen compared to other treatments (P<0.05).
Therefore, the use of urea and molasses can increase nutritive value and the quality assessment of this plant after ensiling.


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