Effect of different levels of two new triticale cultivars on performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens

Document Type : Research Paper



In this experiment, possibility of substitution of corn with two triticale cultivars (Cultivar 1; ET-79-17 and Cultivar 2; ET-82-15) in ration and its effect on performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens were investigated. Experiment were conducted in completely randomized design in a 2×3 factorial arrangement with two triticale cultivar and inclusion three levels (20, 40 and 60 percent) of each triticale cultivar with one control treatment. There were five replicates per each treatment and 24 chickens in each replicate. The performance of chickens was measured for a 42 days period and 10 chickens per each experimental treatment were slaughtered to evaluate of carcass characteristics at the end of experiment period. Feed consumption, average daily gain (ADG) and final live weight in treatment with 60% substitution of corn with triticale were significantly different with control and other treatments. Chicks fed with diet containing 60 percent triticale had the highest intestinal viscosity. There was no significant difference in feed conversion ratio (FCR) among treatments. The percent of thigh, breast، carcass and abdominal fat were not significantly different among treatment. The results indicated that both examined triticale cultivars may be replaced with corn in the broiler chickens diet at levels up to 40% without negative impact on performance. A verity of triticale was no significant effect on the parameters those were measured.


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