Evaluation chemical quality of drinking water for livestock animals in different regions of Isfahan province

Document Type : Research Paper



In order to evaluation of chemical quality, drinking water of animal and poultry was sampled at 114 points (from different regions) in Isfahan province In July 2014. The average concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS) and electric conductivity (EC) of water in Isfahan province were 876.1 mg/l and 1373.8 µm/cm, respectively. The least TDS and EC were found in water samples from Samirom, Feridan and Zarrinshahr regions (P<0.05). Also, the highest TDS and EC of water were measured in Naein region (P<0.05). Concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg, hardness, sulfate, nitrate and nitrite were below the standard maximom tolerabale level. Samirom and Naein had the least and the highest Ca, Mg and hardness in water samples, respectively (P<0.05). Najafabad had the highest nitrate concentrateion in water samples when compared with other regions (P<0.05). A positive correlation was found between total hardness of water with Ca, Mg, sulfate salts, TDS and EC. Water TDS and EC values had a high positive correlations with Na and sulfate salts and a moderate correlation with Ca and Mg concentrations. There was a great variation in drinking water for livestocks in Isfahan province. But, drinking water had an acceptable quality for livestocks in this area. Samirom and Naein had the best and the worse water quality, respectively. Some water chimicals like TDS, EC, Na and sulfate must be analysed for livestock production in this province.


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