Comparison different concentration of egg yolk and soybean lecithin on the function of Marghoz Goat Spermatozoa

Document Type : Research Paper



This study was designed to investigate the effects of various concentrations of egg yolk (5, 10, 15 and 20%) and Lecithin (1, 1.5 and 2%) in the extenders based on tris (with 5% glycerol) on the Marghoz goat spermatozoa after freezing-thawing. Semen samples were collected by an artificial vagina, twice a week from four matured goat.The extender containing semen was frozen in liquid nitrogen and then was stored until using for assessment. Semen was thawed at 37◦C and then motility and progressive motility were assessed by CASA. Membrane integrity and viability,morphology were assessed as well and Malondialdehiyde (MDA) were were assessed as well. The results of this experiment showed that extender containing 15% egg yolk and 1.5% Lecithin significantly improved motility, progressivemotility and viability compare to other levels (P<0.05). Membrane integrity, morphology, malondialdehiyde and acrosome status were not affected significantly by the different level of egg yolk and Lecithin (P > 0.05). It can be concluded that use of 15% egg yolk in animal extender and 1.5% Lecithin in vegetable extender is suitable for cryopreservation of Marghoz goat semen.


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