Investigation on the Molecular Mechanisms of the Bovine Immune System Activation by Leukocyte Transcriptomics Data

Document Type : Research Paper



It is not easy to apply gene pathway in different traits in animal breeding, But identifying of gene pathways which obtain from transcriptomics data and influence a biological process could be an important step to better understanding the regulatory mechanisms of this process. In this study, leukocyte transcriptomics data was applied to evaluation of molecular mechanism related to improving the immune response by analysis of gene pathways. To achieve this, RNA-Seq data with accession number GSE37447 was downloaded from NCBI data bank and data quality control was done by FastQC software. Detection of genes and isoforms was performed by TopHat2 software and then level of genes’ and isoforms’ gene expression was conducted by HT-Seq. differentially gene expression was analyzed by edgeR. Analysis of gene pathways was done by online software DAVID based on genes which had differentially gene expression. Gene pathway analysis showed spliceosome and mismatch repair pathway were activated in leukocytes. Therefore, mentioned gene pathways could explain how to strengthen of the immune response and better clarify of regulatory pathways in this biological process. It seems genes, transcription factors, microRNA and/or cofactors which involve in these gene pathways (spliceosome and mismatch repair pathway) could be helped in order to improve the immune system by inbreeding programs because these gene pathways directly influence on the immune system activation and regulation of its functions.


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