Regression equations of chemical composition for metabolizable and net energy estimation of Iranian sainfoin.(Onobrychis vicifolia)

Document Type : Research Paper



In these models, chemical composition such as CP, Ash, EE, ADF, NDF and NFE used as an independent variable for estimation energetic value of Iranian sainfoin according to chemical composition and gas test method data to complete nutritive value the tables of Iranian feedstuff. The data were collected from animal nutrition laboratory of Animal Science Research Institute (ASRI) and some other labs of Educational and research centers of the IRAN. For each above Chemical composition fitted equations for Linear, logarithmic, inverse, quadratic, cubic, power, S, and exponential were done. Comparison the equations of tables showed that the fitted equations on the base of CP as independent variable are the best equations. Among the fitted equations of CP, the Quadratic for its precision was chosen. For ME estimation of sainfoin hay used CP as independent predictor and in this regard estimated TDN, metabolizable energy, net energy for lactation (NEL) and Net energy for maintenance(NEm) were equal 65.22,2.43,1.44 and 1.17 Mcal/Kg DM. receptively.


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