Digestibility of complete feed block in sheep and its effect on the nutritional behavior and nitrogen balance

Document Type : Research Paper



This research was conducted to study the effects of physical form of total mixed ration (in Block and Mash form) in sheep nutrition. In a 2×2 change-over design with two treatments and 5 replicates, 10 Shal lambs with average initial weight of about 31 kg were fed for two periods and 22 days per period. An unique ration (to supply fattening lambs) was formulated and prepared in TMR, then it was shared out in two parts where one part processed in Densified Block Ration (DBR) and the other part fed as mash TMR form. Results showed that the dry matter, organic matter and nutrients intake were increased when the animals received DBR compared to the mash TMR (P< 0.05). The digestibility of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF, EE and gross energy were not affected by the physical form of the diet but nitrogen retention and nitrogen balance were increased when the lambs received DBR (P< 0.05). The daily times for eating, rumination, total chewing and resting time were not statistically different when the animals fed DBR or mash TMR whereas the amount of DM, OM and nutrients intake per minute were increased (P< 0.05) by feeding of DMR. Feeding of DBR resulted in higher (P< 0.05) weight gain and feed conversion ratio in comparison to the mash TMR. In general, feeding of pressed complete ration could improve animal performance; however more researches are required to find out the optimum feeding levels of DBR in Iranian lambs.


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