Identification of biological pathways involved in body growth of cattle using gene expression profiles

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of animal science, faculaty of Agriculture, Jiroft university, Jiroft,Iran

2 University of Mashhad

3 Jiroft University

4 Animal Science Research Institute of Iran

5 University of Torbay Heydarieh


Today, exiting of high relationship and overlap between bioinformatics science and molecular biotechnology, can be play important role in genetic improvement of production traits. Growth trait is one of important production traits in animal husbandry, it affected via several biological pathways. Identification of the biological pathways is available using expression gene profiles and genomic information, and can cause of expand systemic idea about of the complicated procedure and better understand. In the study, collected data information about of gene expression in muscle tissue in two group cow 1 month and 24 month, from data base of Array Express. In first step investigated difference between expression genes using ArrayAnalysis, candidate 2732 genes for identifying biological pathway. Analysis of biological pathway conducted by PathVision software. Results of study gene expression in two group show that in two treatments, 503 gene had increasing in expression and 411 gene had decrease in expression. Study morphophonemic of the genes show that the genes play role in 23 biological pathways, most of the pathways play role in cellular process as growth, proliferation, differentiation, homeostasis and death was scheduled. The results can be lead to identification biological markers candidate for growth trait, that is a positive step forward to improve of procedure of cattle genomic evaluation and selection.


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