The effect of particles size of the mixture of sorghum silage and alfalfa hay and concentrate levels on nutrients digestibility and ruminal fermentation parameters in Raeini goat

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of animal science, faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman, Kerman Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of animal science, faculty of agriculture, Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor Department of animal science, faculty of agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman Iran.

4 ​ Professor Department of Animal Science Faculty of Agriculture Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 76169-133 Kerman, Iran

5 Assistant Professor of department of animal science, faculty of agriculture, Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman, Kerman Iran.


In order to investigate the effect of particles size of sorghum silage mixed with alfalfa and concentrate levels on digestibility of nutrients, rumen parameters and dietary intake behavior, four male Raeini goat (BW, 30.1±3.0 kg) were used in chageover designs experiment to measure feed intake and nutrients digestibility, ruminal fermentation parameters and feed intake behaviors. To prepare silage, 800 kg of sorghum forage with different particles size (15 and 30 mm) were ensiled using special nylon bags .The experimental diets were: 1) diet contains 40% of the coarse sorghum silage and alfalfa hay and 60‌% concentrate 2) diet contains 60% of the coarse sorghum silage and alfalfa hay and 40% concentrate 3) diet contains 40% of the fine sorghum silage and alfalfa hay and 60 % concentrate 4) diet contains 60% of the fine sorghum silage and alfalfa hay and 40% concentrate. The consumption of dry and organic matter was affected by experimental rations (1.20, 1.05, 1.37, 1.24 and 1.07, 1.02, 1.27 and 1.12 kg respectivily) and increased with decreasing sorghum silage particles size (P‌<0.05), but particles size of sorghum silage did not affect digestibility of nutrients. Population of cellulolytic protozoa species and the production of microbial protein were influenced by the particles size of sorghum silage and concentrate levels (P<0.05). Eating, ruminanting and total chewing activating were increased by increasing sorghum silage particles size. The results showed that sorghum silage with high or low concentrate lvels can be fed without any negative impact on small ruminants like Raeini goats.


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