Effects of diets with different levels of energy and protein on nutrients digestibility and Gastrointestinal tract characteristics of sheep

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sari Agricultural Science and Natural Resources University

2 Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University


In order to evaluate the effect of diets with different levels of energy and protein on ruminal pH, ammonia nitrogen, nutrient digestibility and excretion of purine derivatives, an experiment was designed. Six experimental treatments were allocate in six fitulated seep in repeated measure desind. Treatments included: Control; treatment with high level of energy using barley grain; treatment with high energy level using barley grain and corrected by peptide, treatment with high level of energy using corn grain; treatment with high energy level using corn grain and corrected by peptide and treatment with high level of protein with increasing levels of soybean meal. Results showed experimental treatments were significant effect on pH and ammonia nitrogen released in the rumen, in three hours after feeding (p <0.05). Dry matter intake, fat and organic matter digestibility were not affected by experimental treatments (p >0.05). Control and high protein levels treatments significantly less intake of crude protein, Nutral Detergent Fiber and Acid Detergent Fiber (p <0.05). The digestibility of nutrients has improved with addition of energy and protein sources. The purine derivatives excreation were significantly higher in treatment with high protein levels than other groups (p <0.05). Supplementation of diets with carbohydrate and protein sources with the least adverse effects on gastrointestinal is recommended.


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