Effect of physical form of the concentrate and buffer type on microbial protein synthesis, rumen and blood parameters in fattening Dalagh lamb

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

2 Faculty Member/Shiraz University


This Experiment was conducted in order to investigate the effect of physical form of the concentrate and buffer type on the rumen and blood parameters and microbial protein synthesis in fattening Dalagh lambs. Twenty eight lambs with an average of 28±2.7 kg and 5 month age were used in a completely randomized design with 2×2 factorial arrangement. Treatments included: 1- pelleted concentrate+sesquisodium carbonate, 2- pelleted concentrate+sodium bicarbonate, 3- mash concentrate + sesquisodium carbonate and 4- mash concentrate+sodium bicarbonate. Sampling from rumen fluid and blood sampling was carried out on days 42 and 84 of experiment. On day 70 of the experiment, 3 lambs were transferred to the metabolic cages for sampling and collecting urine. The results showed that ruminal pH was higher in the treatment of mash concentrate +sesquisodium carbonate in three hours after feeding (P<0.05). The experimental treatments had no effect on ruminal ammonia concentration, protozoan number and microbial population (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the concentration of blood minerals except calcium. Calcium concentration was higher in pelleted concentrate+sodium bicarbonate and mash concentrate + sesquisodium carbonate than other treatments (P<0.05). Purine derivatives and total excretion and absorption of purine derivatives from urine and the amount of microbial protein synthesis in rumen significantly increased in pellet concentrate and sodium bicarbonate (P<0.05).


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