Investigation of Herd Composition Management in Dairy Farms of Alborz Province

Document Type : Research Paper



Already in 7816 the number of industrial dairy farms with a total of 847,500 dairy cows and calves are genuinely engaged in the production activities..According to the latest information there were 227 Dairy Farm with 92600 cows and calves in Alborz province. This survey was conducted to investigate the culling rate herd composition and culling reasons in Alborz dairy. Data were recorded from 43 unit industrial Dairy Farm with were covered by Animal breeding center. At the beginning, Dairy Farm Were classified to 5 categories (1-100, 100-200, 200-300, 300-500 and more than 500 per herd). Data were recorded by questioner method and recording some data from bank Farms. Samples from each category (20 percent of each category) selected randomly. On the basis of results, adult Dairy cows, pregnant and, Non pregnant, dairy cows, pregnant heifers and Non pregnant heifers calves (0-6, 6-8, 8-12 month old) and breeding bulls were 35.8, 9.9, 3.6, 10.3, 10.2, 10.1, 6.7, 13, 0.4 percent of herd population.


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