Effects of different levels of pomegranate peel on ruminal fermentation, degradation parameters, gas production and protozoa population in Zell sheep

Document Type : Research Paper


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The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of different levels of pomegranate peel on gas production and also ruminal degradation, protozoa population and rumen fermentation parameters in Zell sheep. In this study, three fistulated Zell ewes with a mean weight of 40±2.1 kg and 24 months age were used in a CRD model. The experimental treatments were control (without pomegranate peel) and treatments containing 5, 10 and 15 percent of pomegranate peel in diets. The results of dry matter and NDF degradability showed that the amount of rapidly (a), slowly (b) and potential degradable (a+b) fractions in control treatment was significantly higher than the other treatments (p < 0.05). The CP degradability results of rapidly (a), slowly (b) and potential degradable (a+b) fractions in control and treatment containing 5 percent of pomegranate peel were significantly higher than the other treatments (p < 0.05). The highest amount of total gas produced in 96 hours, ME and digestibility of OMD were observed in cotrol diet and significant differences were observed between experimental diets (p < 0.05). The rumen protozoa population in treatment containing 10 and 15 percent of pomegranate peel were significantly lower compared to cotrol and 5 percent of pomegranate peel treatments (p < 0.05).Butyric acid and propionic+isobutherric acids concentrations in control treatment was higher than the other treatments (p < 0.05). In general, the results showed that the use of pomegranate peel up to 5 percent in the diet caused at least negative effects on rumen parameters such as nutrient degradation and protozoal population.


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