Effects of feed form, probiotic and enzyme in triticale based diets on performance, microbial population, viscosity and pH of digestive tract and intestinal morphology of broiler chickens

Document Type : Research Paper


1 R Khuzestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center: ahvaz, golestan, Iran

2 Faculty member


In present study of effects of feed form, probiotic and enzyme was investigated on performance, microbial population, viscosity, intestinal morphology and pH of digestive organs in broilers fed triticale-based diet. Eight dietary treatments consisted of feed form (pellet or mash) with or without a Bacillus-based probiotic (0.03% diet) and enzyme carbohydrates (0.05% diet) in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with 4 replicates for each treatment in 42 days. The highest Weight Gain in starter period was for the broiler chicks fed the pelleted diet with enzyme and probiotic but the differences were not significant at the end of period. Also, pelleted diet containing probiotic and pelleted diet containing probiotic and enzyme, had the lowest feed conversion ratio during the starter and growth period, respectively. Microbial population, pH of digestive organs and intestinal morphology were not significantly affected by addition of experimental treatments but, feed form has a significant effect on ileum viscosity. In conclusion, pellet form and supplementation of a triticale-based diet with enzymes and probiotics improved the growth performance during starter period and intestinal viscosity of broiler chicks, but did not improved performance at the end of period.


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