Evaluation of mating strategies in breeding ostriches using computer simulation

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Student, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Kordestan, Sanandaj, Iran


The purpose of this study was to compare the four mating strategies in ostrich flocks using simulation. Simulated traits included egg production (EggsPro), chicken production (ChicksPro), hatchability (Hatchability), live weight at the beginning of mating (LWB), and live weight at the end of mating (LWE). The selection of males was based on the breeding value of the LWB trait and the selection of females based on the breeding value of the ChicksPro trait. The first strategy was an optimal mating, the second strategy crossed individuals based on the highest genetic gain, regardless of the increase in inbreeding, the third strategy was the mating of individuals based on the lowest inbreeding, regardless of genetic progress, and the fourth strategy was the mating of individuals randomly, regardless of inbreeding and genetic gain. The results showed that if the goal in a breeding program is rapid progress without limitation on inbreeding, a mating strategy with the highest genetic gain is the best suited, and if there is no possibility of mapping this crosses, a random mating can be replaced. In closed populations with high inbreeding or populations that need to be genetically protected, and secondly important the breeder also wants to improve performance in the economic traits, a mating strategy with minimum inbreeding can be desirable, and if the goal of breeding is a continuous, sustained and significantly improvement in economic traits, which is required to prevent inbreeding, the optimal mating strategy could be the best option.


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