Evaluation of the genetic-economic merit for imported semen of Holstein bulls in various climates of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Kurdistan university

2 Department of Animal Science, ّFaculty of Agriculture, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

3 Department of Animal Science, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

4 Animal Breeding Center of Iran, Karaj, Alborz, Iran


The aim of the present study was evaluation of genetic- economic merit for imported Holstein bull semen daughters in different climates of Iran. These progenies were categorized based on different selection indices of their sire semen exporter countries. In this study, data were milk, fat and protein yield, calving age and calving interval in the first lactation of 270566 Holstein cattle that were collected during 1993-2017 at Animal Breeding Center of Iran. The daughters breeding values were predicted under multi-trait animal model by DMU software. The genetic-economic merit of progeny was estimated using the Lifetime Net Income (LNI) index. Estimated least square means of the LNI index for daughters of imported semen under different selection indices were statistically significant in the various climates (p < 0.01). The highest estimated least square mean of LNI index in Iran was related to daughters whose sire semen came from France bulls (2001- 2011). The results obtained in this study showed that the highest estimated least square means of LNI index in cold, semi-cold, moderate and warm climates were related to daughters whose sires were imported from Germany (2008- 2013), France (2001- 2011), France (2012- 2013) and the Netherlands (2012- 2013), respectively. Thus, it could be concluded that the genetic-economic merit of daughters from imported semen in each climate depends on the selection index of bulls in the semen exporter country.


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