Exploring genetic divergence between two superior meat and diary type goat population: A candidate gene polymorphism based evidence

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor Animal Genetics and Breeding Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz,

2 scientific board member of animal science research institute of IRAN, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) Iran.

3 Assistant Professor Torbat-e-Jam School of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry,

4 scientific board member of animal science research institute of IRAN, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) Iran


The genetic divergence could define as a mechanism which two or more breeds within the same species with a common ancestor could differently evolutionary separated in genome structure. Molecular genetics may provide proper tools for estimation of the level of diversity and mutational events on this breed over time. Accordingly, the main objective of the present report was to evaluate and compare the candidate gene polymorphisms for two meat and dairy type of goat breeds using candidate gene polymorphism approach. For this purpose, in overall, 30 goat individuals for two meat and dairy goat breed were chosen for genotyping of six candidate genes (Calpastatin, Myostatin, Insulin growth like hormone, Leptin, Pituitary-specific transcription factor and SCD genes using PCR-RFLP techniques. Molecular descriptive Statistics such as genotype and allele frequencies observed and expected heterozygosity, Minor allele frequency ,and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium was calculated and compared using POPGENE software between populations. The Chi-square test was used for significant differences between the two populations for screened genes. The observed results interesting showed significant genotype and allele frequency pattern between the two studied breeds. Obtained outputs may insight to the understanding of Genetic divergence between well-known breeds due to domestication and artificial selection as well as geographical


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