Using Triticale (Triticosecale), Vetch (Vicia Sativa) and Triticale Vetch mixture silages in feeding of Grey Shirazi fattening male lambs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Animal Science Research, Fars Research and Education Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shiraz, P.O.Box:71555-617, Iran.

2 Department of Animal Science Research, Fars Research and Education Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shiraz, P.O.Box:71555-617, Iran

3 Animal Science Department, Agricultural and Natural Resourced College, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran


In this study the effect of using silage of triticale fodder, vetch and their mixtures on the yield and blood metabolites of grey Shirazi male lambs was to investigated. The mentioned silages were evaluated in terms of physical characteristics and their chemical composition. Experimental treatments include: 1- Control (contains fodder corn silage); 2- Treatment containing triticale fodder silage; 3- Treatment containing forage vetch silage and 4- Treatment containing triticale and vetch fodder silage. Daily feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, blood metabolites as well as economic efficiency were determined. The highest amount of crude protein (P>0.01) and the lowest amount of neutral detergent fiber (P>0.01) were observed in vetch silage. The highest feed intake was observed in control treatment and the lowest in Treatment containing triticale fodder silage (P>0.01). Blood albumin concentration of lambs receiving control and Treatment containing forage vetch silage were significantly higher than other treatments (P>0.01). The use of silages of triticale, vetch and mixture reduced blood cholesterol (P>0.01). The highest amount of triglyceride was observed in lambs receiving treatments triticale fodder silage (2) and forage vetch silage (3). Income and income percent per kg live weight gain, increased with the use of low-water forage silages. Due to the ability to grow triticale and vetch plants in the conditions of lack of water resources in the country, these forages, especially triticale, have the potential to be used in the diet of ruminants.


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