Measuring and analyzing productivity of production factors in broiler farms of Fars province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economic, Social and Extension Research Department, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education & Extension Organization (AREEO), Shiraz, Iran

2 Instructor of Sari Agricultural sciences and natural resources university


In this study, the economic evaluation of broiler farms in Fars province was performed based on some characteristics of farms and managers, measuring and analyzing the productivity of producing factors and comparing the current consumption of these factors with the optimal situation. Using stratified random sampling method, 86 poultry farms were selected and the necessary data were collected through interviews and completing a questionnaire. Based on the results, the effect of feed cost, day-old chickens, labor, vaccines, drugs and fuel cost variables on live chicken production is positive and significant. The average productivity of the consumed feed and conversion ratio for the sample are equal to 0.51 and 1.96, respectively. An average of 22,740 kilograms of live chicken is produced per worker in each production period. According to the calculated final productivity values, the amount of consumed feed is more than the optimal limit and the used labor force is less than the optimal limit. The mean, minimum and maximum productivity values of the total production factors calculated in the selected sample are 2.35, 1.38 and 3.26, respectively. Based on the results reforming the market structure at the slaughterhouse level, optimal use of feed inputs and labor, reducing breeding periods and increasing the number of hatcheries per year, can improve producers' incomes compared to costs and affect productivity of producing factors, and recommended.


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