The effects of physical form of alfalfa and processing of barley grain on performance, rumen parameters and microbial protein synthesis in Dalagh breed fattening lambs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

2 Gorgan Agricultural Jihad Research Center

3 Reza Tahmasbi (PhD) Associate Professor Department of Animal Science College of Agriculture Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


In order to investigate the effect of alfalfa physical shape and barley grain processing on yield, ruminal parameters and microbial protein synthesis in Dalagh fattening lambs, 30 male lambs of 3.5±1.2 months old with an average live weight of 17±1.1 kg were used.This experiment was performed in factorial form (3×2) based on a completely randomized design with two factors including: physical form of forage and processing of barley grain in 98 days with 6 treatments and 5 replications. Experimental diets included: 1- Chopped alfalfa with whole barley grains 2- Chopped alfalfa with ground barley grains 3- Chopped alfalfa with flaky barley grains 4- Pellet alfalfa with whole barley grains 5- Pellet alfalfa with barley grains Grinded 6- Pellet alfalfa with barley flakes. The daily feed and its residue were weighed and recorded daily for each animal. Rumen fluid sampling was performed on day 84 at 3 hours after feeding. From day 70 of the experiment, the volume of urine produced by each animal was recorded daily for 6 days.The results showed that alfalfa forage in the form of pellets increased the dry matter consumption, increased daily weight, increased propionate content, increased nitrogen, increased microbial protein and decreased acetate and pH (P <0.05). Also, flaxseed and ground barley processing compared to whole barley grain increased daily weight gain and increased propionate, nitrogen and microbial protein levels and decreased ammonia and pH (P <0.05).
Keywords: Physical form, Processing, Rumen parameters, Microbial protein, Fattening lambs.


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