Document Type : Research Paper
1 Animal Science Research Department, Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Ardabil, Iran
2 Member of Scientific Board
3 Assistant professor ,Department of Animal Research Science, Ardabil Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Ardabil, Iran.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of human resource training on improving production index of broiler farms in Ardabil province. Initially, out of 418 active broiler farms, the status of 50 farms was examined at the provincial level. The production units were divided into the following groups based on production index and using cluster analysis: group 1 (production index equivalent to 250), group 2 (production index less than 250 and greater than 200), group 3 (production index less than 275 and greater than 250), group 4 (production index less than 300 and greater than 275), and group 5 (production index greater than 300). Subsequently, these groups were trained in both face-to-face and non-face-to-face formats during the production period. In this process, factors affecting production index were also evaluated, and existing issues were examined in each trained farm. Finally, the obtained data were compared with the current conditions using paired t-test. The results of this study indicated that in groups with production index less than 250, training significantly increased feed conversion ratio by 7% and production index by 14% (p<0.05). However, in the group with a production index above 300, a less significant impact was observed on slaughter weight and production index (p<0.05). Overall, human resource training had a greater effectiveness in improving production index in low-performing units.
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