Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Biosystem Mechanics, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman Iran.

3 Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


This research was designed to compare the effect of processing corn silage, and barley and corn grains on feed intake, digestibility and rumen parameters in sheep. Eight Kermani lambs were used with average weight of 53.2±4.1 kg. The experiment was carried out as 2×2 factorial design in the form of a Latin square design in four periods of 21 days. A part of chopped corn forage was processed. Silages were prepared from processed and unprocessed forage in nylon bags. The experimental diets were 1. Diet with 30% processed silage with barley grain, 2 .Diet with 30% processed silage with corn grain, 3. Diet with unprocessed silage with Barley grain and 4. Diet with unprocessed silage with corn grain. Physical processing of corn forage increased the pH of silage, but the sensory evaluation score decreased (P=0.01). The dry matter (DM) intake was higher in diets containing processed silage (1.96 vs 1.82 kg, P<0.04). The digestibility of organic matter (OM) was higher in the corn grain diet and the diet with processed silage. The feed intake and the rumen pH levels were lower in processed silage diets and ammonia nitrogen concentration was lower in the processed silage with barley grain diet (P<0.05) eight hours after feeding. The time of feed intake and rumination were higher in unprocessed silage diets. In general, the processing of corn forage increased the DM intake and increased the OM and protein digestibility in sheep. The effect of grain types on animal responses was less than processing levels.


Main Subjects

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