Document Type : Research Paper
1 Kurdistan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research andEducation Center, Pasdaran street, Sanandaj
2 AREEO, ARECK, Department of Animal Science, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran.
3 Faculty member of agricultural research center of kurdistan province
This research was conducted with the aim of comparing two types of hormones produced internally and externally and the conventional method in the region in order to improve reproductive performance. In this study, 75 adult ewes were classified based on weight and age then were divided into three groups: control treatment-Conventional system, Second and third treatment from 25th March until 6th June, non-breeding season mating with ovulation simulation was performed with using progesterone treatment (CIDR) and injection of 400-IU eCG and progesterone treatment (CIDR) and injection of 500-IU hCG respectively. Data on parturition date, the number and weight of borned and weaned lambs were recorded. Pregnancy rate, prolificacy rate, litter size, fecundity rate, borned lamb crop and weaned lamb crop and viability rate were calculated. Data analysis was performed with using SAS software. The results showed that synchronization and stimulation of ovulation in two experimental treatments in terms of parturition rate, pregnancy rate, fecundity rate, weaning rate, Borned lamb crop and weaned lamb crop had better performance compared to the control group. (p<0.05). Net income from the two treatment groups was higher during one and a half years compared to the control group. Also, there was no significant difference between the two types of internal and international hormones in terms of performance (p<0.05). According to the results, It was found that hCG hormone can be used as a suitable substitute for eCG hormone in implementing reproductive management method to lambing concentration within a certain period of year
Main Subjects
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