Document Type : Research Paper


1 G

2 Faculty member

3 Animal science research institute of Iran, Nutrition department

4 Animal expert

5 Vet


In this study thity-two new-born Holstein male and female calves (3-d-old) were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: 1) feeding whole milk (HM) in 2 times/d (2×; HM-2×), 2) feeding HM in 3 times/d (3×; HM-3×), 3) feeding waste milk (WM) in 2× (WM-2×); and 4) feeding WM in 3× (WM-3×). The lowest starter dry matter (DM) intake (pre-weaning and entire period), total DM intake and the highest average daily gain (ADG; post-weaning and entire period) and feed efficiency (FE) were was observed in WM-3× calves compared to other groups (P<0.05). Calves in WM-3× group had the highest hip height (weaning and the end of experiment), body weight (BW; the end of experiment) and body length (weaning and the end of experiment) compared to other groups (P<0.05). Based on the conditions of the present study, it can be concluded that feeding HM at 3× improved Holstein Dairy calves. Further researches are needed to evaluate these findings.


Main Subjects

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