The effects of fuel consumption optimization on production index of broiler farms in west Azarbijan Province

Document Type : Research Paper



The present research was conducted to investigate the effects of fuel consumption optimization on production index of west azarbijan province broiler farms. 36 broiler farms rondomley have been chosen in Boukan, Mahabad, Shahindej and Miandoab Cities as four blocks, with three levels of energy optimization including: Group 1 (more than 80%), Group 2 (60%) and Group 3 (less than 50%). Visiting the farms and filling in the questionnaires the data has been collected as a random complete block and has been analyzed. Fuel consumption optimization had a meaningful effect on the body weight, feed conversion ratio, breeding duration and production index (P<0.01) but there is not a significance differences in the amount of daily feed intake (P>0.05). Moreover, this plan has among the studding three groups; there is a significance difference in reduction of the rate of fuel consuming. The most amount of thrift is for the first group which is about 23.8%. There has been a meaningful differences indicated in abating the electricity using. Te most amount of thrift is related to group 1 hat is about 14.5%. There is also a significant difference in improving the feed conversion ratio along with the execution of optimization plan among groups. It is around 1.98 in group 1 And the production index in group 1 has a meaningful differences with groups 2 and 3 (P<0.01). The overall results showed that fuel consumption optimazing plan has positive effects on production index and reducing of fuel and electelicity consumption in broiler farms of west Azarbijan Province.


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