Document Type : Research Paper



The study was an effort to evaluate effect of different methods of feed restriction on performance, carcass traits, mortality and ascites disorder in Arian broiler chickens. Four hundred Arian broiler chicks were used in a completely randomized design with four experimental groups (feed restriction methods) and four replicates of ten chicks (totally 16 pens). Four experimental treatments were treatment 1 (T1): control (no restriction feed), treatment 2 (T2): feed restriction as 25 gram feed per chick since 9 until 14 days old; treatment 3 (T3): feed restriction as 8 hour per day since 9 until 24 days old; treatment 4 (T4): feed restriction since 9 until 18 days old. Results indicated that the feed restrictions methods have different significant effects on daily body weight gain and feed intake in different periods of age (p<0.05). In 1-42 days period, only T4 decreased (p<0.05) daily body gain and feed intake in broiler chickens. Although T2 and T4 increased significantly feed conversion ratio (FCR) in period of 8 to 14 days; however, these methods improved significantly FCR on 22 to 28 days (p<0.05). Different feed restriction methods had no significant effect on FCR and carcass traits (p>0.05). But, the methods affected significantly total and ascites mortality in broiler chickens and blood hematocrit (p<0.05). In conclusion, feed restrictions as 25 gram feed per day (from 9 until 14 days of age) or 8 hours per day (from 9 until 24 days of age) can be recommended in rearing of Arian broiler chicken due to decrease of total and ascites mortalities and feeding costs in broiler chickens without negative effect on final body weight in 42 days old.


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