Document Type : Research Paper



In order to survey the effect of three levels ofdietary cation-anion difference (DACD) on lactating performance, milk fatty acid profile, plasma and urine mineral concentration during heat stress. Eighteen Holstein cows (parity = 3, milk 43.5±1.5 Kg/d) were used in completely randomized design and randomly assigned into three treatments: (1) +20 DACD (mEq/kg DM), (2) +33 DACD (mEq/kg DM) and (3) +55 DCAD (mEq/kg DM). Cows were fed experimental diets for 35 days starting from calving. Results showed dry matter intake (P < 0.001), milk production (P < 0.001) and milk fat percentage (P < 0.001) affected by different levels of dietary cation-anion difference and was greatest in cows received +55 DCAD (mEq/kg DM). Maximum blood pH was found for cows fed +55 DCAD (mEq/kg DM, P < 0.03). Concentration or pressure pCO2 and HCO3 concentrations significantly declined with increasing DCAD. Increasing DCAD significantly affected short chain fatty acids (C4-C10) and C18 fatty acids. Concentration of C18 fatty acids in levels of +20, +33 and +55 DACD (mEq/kg DM) were 14.49, 19.66 and 15.87 respectively. In conclusion dietary cation-anion difference in +55 mEq/kg DM level improved productive and reproductive performances via increasing dry matter intake, improving pH and rumen buffering power and body electrolyte balance, during heat stress.


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