Document Type : Research Paper



In this research the nutritive value of straw from 6 lines of barley including 3 lines from cold and 3 lines from moderate climates were studied in order to select the elite lines. Samples of straw were subjected to botanical fractionation (leaf, internodes and node) and chemical analysis (CP, CF, NDF, ADF, ADL and Ash). Fermentability of the samples was measured using in vitro gas production technique. The results showed that there was no significant difference in botanical composition between straws from cold climate but significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in percentage of leaf and internodes of straws from moderate climate. Significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in NDF, ADF, ADL and Ash content of straws between the two climates. Results of in vitro gas production technique showed that lines from cold climate produced more gas compared to moderate region (p<0.05). Regarding all the studied indices in this research, lines of EBYTC80-11 and EBYTM80-7 are recommended for cold and moderate climate respectively.


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