Evaluating the broiler farm management indexes at Ardabil province

Document Type : Research Paper


Ardabile Resaerch Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources


For evaluating the broiler farm management indexes at Ardabil province, were used of questionnaires filling method in 71 active raising broiler chicken farms. Selecting of mentioned units was done based on stratified random sampling method using proportional allocation technique. Higher and lower percentge of broiler farms located in cities of Ardabil and Bilesuar, respectively. The mean duration of broiler breeding, feed conversion ratio, productive efficiency index, final weight and mortality were 49.20 days, 2.17, 243.08, 2.72 kg and 5.42 percent, respectively. More than half of broiler farms (55.20%) in the current study were used of diets in mash form and more than third (27.60%) of them used of the mash and pellet (crumble form in first week of breeding period). Most broiler farms in this study were used of 3 to 4 diets during rearing addressing. The 32.75 percentage of broiler farms were used of diets with energy to crude protein ratio based on manual guide book standard(often Ross308), 20.72 percent of more than the standard and 46.55 percent of lower than standard. The highest production efficiency index was seen in the group that fed diets with standard energy to crude protein ratio and the lowest was observed in the group has a lower of energy to crude protein ratio (p=0.0014). During the period of production, slaughter weight, feed conversion ratio and mortality percent had significant effect on production efficiency index. Therefore, for achieving suitable performance in broiler chicken raising, pay attention to nutrition management should be first.


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