Effects of different dietary protein and sesame meal levels supplemented with phytase on performance, carcass traits and blood parameters of Japanese quail

Document Type : Research Paper


Islamic Azad University Qaemshahr Branch


An experiment was performed to evaluate the effect of different dietary protein and sesame meal levels supplemented with phytase on performance, blood parameters and carcass characteristics in Japanese quail.A number of360 day old mix-sexed Japanese quail were divided among 36 units. A completely randomized design with factorial design 2×3×2 inclusive consists of two levels of dietary protein (24 and 20%), sesame meal levels (0, 12 and 24%) with and without of phytase with 12 treatments and 3 replicates and 120 chicks per treatment was employedat the age of 8 to 42 days. Reducing dietary protein level was significantly improved protein efficiency ratio, reduced feed intake but uric acid levels were significantly increased (P<0.05). Sesame meal consumption resulted in reduced feed intake and feed conversion ratio and lower blood cholesterol (P<0.05).Inclusion of phytase to the diets had no significant effect on performance, blood parameters and carcass characteristics. According to the results of present study formulating of quail dietswithlow level of protein and using of sesame meal up to 24% could improve performance and carcass traits without any negative effects on physiological characteristics. In addition, this type of diets improved serum biochemical metabolite concentrations such as uric acid and cholesterol.


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