Effect of inserting different level of Urea and molasses on visual quality ofSugar Beet top ensiled with Sugar Cane Bagass

Document Type : Research Paper



This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of dry matter levels, urea and molasses on silage characteristics of mixture of sugar beet top (SBT) and sugar cane bagasse (SCB). A completely randomized design with factorial arrangement was conducted to evaluate the effect of three levels of dry matter (25, 35 and 45 percent) three levels of urea (0, 1 and 2 percent) and three levels of molasses (0, 5 and 10 percent) on silage characteristics of sugar beet tops (including leaves and crown) and sugar cane bagasse. The silages were prepared in experimental scale. After two months of ensiling, the silos were opened and evaluated for dry matter, pH, color, smell and physical texture. Results showed that the increasing of dry matter content from 25 to 35 percent, improved the indices of color and smell score. The pH value was decreased by Increasing the level of molasses in silages, where opposite trend was observed by increasing the level of urea. It is concluded that addition of one percent urea and 10 percent molasses to the mixed SBT and SCB with 35 percent DM could resulted in good silage.


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