Effect of a Natuzyme Plus multi-enzyme levels on digestibility, fermentibility and degradability of alfalfa hay

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Animal Science Research Institute of Iran(ASRI),Agriculture Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO),karaj,Iran

2 Animal Science Research Institute of Iran(asri),Agriculture Research Education and Extension Organization(AREEO),karaj,Iran

3 Member of Scientific board


This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of Natuzyme plus multi enzyme at different inclusions on fermentibility, degradability and digestibility of alfalfa hay. The treatments consisted of 1) control group, 2)0.5 g enzyme per Kg of alfalfa hay and 3) 0.75 g enzyme per Kg of alfalfa hay. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used for analyzing data. In Vitro gas production and In Situ nylon bag techniques were used for measuring of fermentibility and degradability. Three fistulated cows (mature Taleshi steers) were used for degradability measurement of DM, NDF and ADF. Digestibility of alfalfa hay was performed by total collection of feces method on 4 heads of Shal mature ram. No significant difference was obtained in gas test results. The effect of enzyme levels on degradability of DM, NDF and ADF at all incubation times were significantly different (p<0.05).The digestibility of DM, OM, NDF and ADF in 0.75 g/Kg of alfalfa hay group were higher than other treatments significantly (p<0.05). Results of this research indicated that using 0.75 g/Kg DM Enzyme significantly improved in situ degradability and in vivo digestibility of alfalfa hay.


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