Determining of nutritive value of pistachio seed coat and effect of feeding it on digestibility and blood metabolites in Kermani sheep

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSC of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 Professor of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

3 Assistant Professor of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

4 Associate Professor of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


This study was conducted to determine the nutritional value of pistachio seed coat (PSC: testa) and its feeding effect on nutrients digestibility and blood parameters in sheep. Chemical composition and nutritive values of PSC were determined by laboratory method and using gas test, respectively. Then PSC was used in four levels as a substitute of wheat bran. The experimental diets were: 1) control diet (without PSC, 2) diet with 5 percent PSC, 3) diet with 10 percent PSC and 4) diet had 15 percent PSC. Four mature Kermani rams (4 ± 54) were used in 4 × 4 Latin square design in four periods of 21 days. The mean of dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, NDF, ADF and organic matter of PSC were 90.97, 19.35, 20.09, 45.14, 40.72 and 93.78% respectively. Metabolizable energy of PSC was estimated 3.71 Mcal/kg. Dry matter intake was not affected by the level of PSC. By increasing the level of PSC the values of EE and NDF digestibilities were increased (P <0/05). Also, blood total protein concentration and triglycerides of sheep were increased but BUN decreased (P <0/05). In conclusion, due to the good nutritive value of PSC it is recommended to use it up to 15% in the diet of sheep.


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