Effect of manganese, zinc and copper sourse and level on performance of broiler using multiple attribute decision making management method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 center of tehran

2 Scientific staff, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University

3 null

4 Animal science, animal science and fisheries faculty, sari agricultural and natural resources university. Sari, Iran

5 depatment

6 agricltural research education and extension organization agriculture and natural resources research center of tehran


This research was conducted to investigate the effect of source and level of manganese, zinc and copper utilization on growth performance of Cobb 500 commercial broiler using completely randomized design with 7 treatments, 4 replications and 20 chicks per experimental unit. The chicks were reared in the same conditions during production period. The multiple attribute decision making management method was used to select the best treatment and to decide on the source and level of manganese, zinc and copper. Based on the obtained rankings, the treatment containing manganese, zinc and copper in the form of organic with internal origin and supply of 100 percent of the requirement had the highest score when compared with other groups. The treatment containing manganese, zinc and copper in the form of organic with external origin and supply of 50 percent of the requirement and negative control treatment showed the weakest performance. Based on the results, it is recommended to use the organic form of manganese, zinc and copper with internal origin as an approach to meet the broiler requirements for increasing growth performance and reducing the need for import of these elements into the external organic form.


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