Economic review and comparison in fattening of Sistani male calves in traditional and industrial conditions of Sistan region

Document Type : Research Paper


1 payame noor university

2 Sistan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Zabol, Iran


In this study the profitability of male Sistani calf fattening has been investigated in two industrial and traditional systems by estimating financial and economic characteristics. Sample selection was randomly classified and the questionnaire was completed from 16 industrial and 33 traditional Fattening. Criteria for net present value, internal rate of return, cost-benefit ratio, and sensitivity analysis were calculated for these activities. The results of economic analysis of fattening two cows in traditional conditions showed that the ratio of profit to cost of 1.74, Rials, internal rate of return is 96% and the net present value is also positive, which indicates the economic justification of this activity. Sensitivity analysis of this activity showed that if current expenditures increase by 50%, the ratio of interest to expenditure greater than one, the internal rate of return is higher than the bank interest rate, and the current value of interest is also positive. Also, the results of fattening four cows in traditional conditions showed that this activity has a high economic justification. So that the ratio of profit to cost of 1.75, Rials, internal rate of return is 75% and the net present value is also positive. Sensitivity analysis of this activity showed that if current expenditures increase by 50%, the ratio of interest to expenditure greater than one, the internal rate of return is higher than the bank interest rate, and the current value of interest is also positive. Sensitivity analysis showed that if current expenditures are reduced to 139%,


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