The effect of adding Anise seed powder (pimpinella anisum) in corn and barley grain based- diets Ghezel sheep on feed intake, rumen metabolites, milk production and composition in the next lactation period

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department on Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Animal nutrition

3 Urmia university

4 Department of Animal Science, Urmia University


To investigate the effect of supplementing Anise seed powder (pimpinella anisum) with a diet containing corn and barley on milk yield and composition, and some rumen metabolites of Ghezel ewes during the transition period, of 28 pregnant ewes with an average age of 3 Year and mean weight 65± 3 kg and 30±10 days before calving were studied in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment in a completely randomized design of four groups with 7 replications for two months. Experimental treatments included: corn-based diet, corn-based diet with 8 grams of Anise seed powder, barley-based diet, and barley -based diet with 8 grams of Anise seed powder. The conditions for raising livestock were the same, and the ewes were fed twice in the morning and in the evening. The results showed that adding anise increased feed intake in the postpartum period. Milk production increased in the treatment of corn with anise and also barley with anise and the interaction was significant. Fat digestibility increased in anise-free corn and anise-free barley-consuming treatments, but the interaction was not significant. Total volatile fatty acids were not affected by experimental treatments. Rumen protozoan population decreased significantly with the addition of anise in the diet and ruminal pH showed a significant decrease in the treatment of anise and barley grains. In general, it can be concluded that adding anise to the diet of Ghezel ewes can improve performance and reduce the negative energy balance of the animal in early lactation.


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