Investigating sustainable development strategies of animal husbandry industry in Sistan region Translate

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economic, Social and Extension Research Department, Sistan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Zabol, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Agricultural Development, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Animal Science Research Institute of Iran


Animal husbandry, as one of the important sub-sectors of the agricultural sector, requires the formulation of a strategic plan at the regional level. The purpose of the research is the necessity of scientific planning for the improvement and development of livestock production, in line with the optimal use of the existing capabilities and capacities of Sistan region. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, Data analysis was done in the descriptive statistics section in Excel software, and then multi-indicator decision making technique and gray method were used to estimate other results. The results of the study showed that the index of reducing the vulnerability caused by natural disasters through capacity building and water resources management has the greatest effect in determining the index of the vision, goals and strategies of sustainable development of the industry. The index of preventing severe market fluctuations has the most effective variable to improve the capacity of the existing economic activities of the industry. In addition, the results showed that in order to meet the energy and protein needs of this livestock population, about 1288274 tons of dry matter, 171666 tons of raw protein and 2430870955 megacalories of metabolizable energy are needed, and about 209 thousand tons of dry matter (33% protein and 1.41% energy) are needed annually. Metabolizable) is deficient.
Based on the type of strategy obtained, Zahak and Hamon cities should include aggressive strategy, Hirmand and Nimroz cities, change direction strategy, and Zabul city should include diversity strategy in the work plan.


Main Subjects

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