Nutrient balance condition in dairy farms of south west of Tehran province

Ali reza Aghashahi; hasan Fazaeli; Ali Mahdavi; A. reza Teimori; Majid Movafegh Ghadirli

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 3-14

  This research was conducted to study the nutrient balance condition of dairy cattle in semi industrial dairy farms of sought west of Tehran province (Eslamshahr) by the questionnaire techniques. The farms based on the herd were categorized in 6 group as follows: 1(1-30), 2(31-60).3(61-100), 4(100-130), ...  Read More

Genetic Parameters Estimation of Age at First Calving and its Effect on Productive Traits of Holstein Dairy Cows

Saeid Khalajzadeh

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 15-24

  The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters of age at first calving and its relationship with productive traits of Holstein dairy cows. A total of 24491 first lactation records (2X 305d) which were collected from 1995 to 2009 were used. The general linear model (GLM) procedure was applied ...  Read More

Estimation of genotype by environment interaction for production traits in Iranian Holstein cattle

Amir Rashidi; Ebrahim Mirza Mohammadi

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 25-32

  In order to evaluation of genotype by environment interactions in Holstein cows, Iran was divided into cold, middle cold, temperate and hot climate regions. For this purpose used from 39570, 35813 and 18955 records for milk, fat and protein yields, respectively, to progeny test for 35 sires that have ...  Read More

Comparison of Legendre polynomials in random regression model for production traits in Holstein dairy cattle of Iran

Ali Mohammadi; Sadegh Alijani; Akbar Taghizadeh; Mehdi Buhloli

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 33-42

  In order to estimate the genetic parameters and comparison legendre polynomials for production traits of Iranian Holstein dairy cattle test-day records of first lactation cows for milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, fat percentage and protein percentage traits were used. These records collected from ...  Read More

Evaluation of aflatoxin B1 levels in feedstuffs of dairy herds in Khorasan Razavi Province

Masoomeh Mehraban sangatash; Mohammad Mohsenzadeh; Faezeh Tajali; Reza Karajian; Omid Safari; Mohamad kazem Akbari

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 43-54

  The aims of the present study was to evaluate the level of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in feedstuffs (corn silage, corn, dried alfalfa, cottonseed meal, cottonseed, soybean meal, canola meal, barley, wheat bran, concentrate, sugar beet pulp and wheat straw) that collected from dairy herds in Khorasan Razavi ...  Read More

Detection of polymorphism in the exon 4 and 3ʹ UTR of TNFα gene in Makoei sheep, using PCR-SSCP

P Biabani; A. Hashemi; Karim Mardani; Mohammad Ghaderzadeh; F. Purbayramian

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 55-60

  Tumor necrosis factor -alpha (TNFα) is a proinflammatory cytokine that plays critical roles in the regulation of immune responses including macrophages activity and apoptosis. TNFα gene is polymorphic and its haplotypes have been associated with resistance or susceptibility to disease. This ...  Read More

Genetic variability and bottleneck analysis in Raeini goat population by microsatellite markers

bizhan mahmoudi; Morteza Daliri; ramin Habibi

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 61-70

  Assessing genetic biodiversity and population structure of minor populations through the information provided by neutral molecular markers, allows determination of their extinction risk and to design strategies for their management and conservation. Analysis of microsatellite loci is known to be highly ...  Read More

Effects of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) essential oils on Digestibility, Blood and Rumen Parameters of Ghezel Sheep

M. Sahraei Belverdy; R. Pirmohammadi

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 71-82

  This study was conducted to evaluate effects of rosemary essential oils (REO) on feed digestibility, blood and rumen parameters of Ghezel sheep. Four male sheep with average body weight 46±2 kg were used in a 4×4 Latin square design. Treatments composed of Basal diet (control) in addition ...  Read More

Effects of High and Low Swelling Bentonite (Natural and Processed) on Broiler Chickens Performance

Ali reza Aghashahi; Mahdi Amani; S. D. Sharifi; Ahmad Afzalzadeh

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 83-92

  This experiment was conducted with broiler chickens to evaluate the effects of High and Low Swelling Bentonite (Natural and Processed by CuSo4) supplementation in diets on performance and carcass traits. A total of 300 day-old Aryan broiler’s chicks were used in a completely randomized design with ...  Read More

The effects of blood pressure medications on performance, some carcass characteristics and alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activity on ascite incidence in broiler chickens

A. A. Saki; M. Haghighat

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 93-102

  A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of blood pressure medications on index of liver damage in Ascites Incidence in broilers. A completely randomized experimental design with a 2×3 factorial arrangement (sex and feed additive), with 3 replicates of 12 birds, with 216 (108 male and 108 ...  Read More

Early Age Feed Restriction and thermal conditioning on Growth ,Carcass Characteristics Broiler Chickens

M. Aalaei; M. H. Shahir; M. Miami; S. Salari

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 103-112

  In this study, Effect early age feed restriction and thermal conditioning on growth ,carcass characteristics broiler chickens subjected to heat stress Was evaluated. Three hundred chicks (cobb500) were randomly divided into four equal groups as treatments including thermal conditioning group (TC), feed ...  Read More

The effect of dietary vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 supplementations on performance and ascites parameters in broiler under cold stress

M. H. Nemati; H. lotfollahian; M. H. Shahir; M. T. Harkinejad; S. A. Hoseini

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 113-122

  This experiment was performed to determine the role of vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 antioxidants on performance and ascites parameters of broiler chicks in cold stress conditions using a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 5 replicates in each treatment. Treatments were: positive control ...  Read More

The effect of dietary vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 supplementations on performance and ascites parameters in broiler under cold stress
Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 123-132

  This experiment was performed to determine the role of vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 antioxidants on performance and ascites parameters of broiler chicks in cold stress conditions using a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 5 replicates in each treatment. Treatments were: positive control ...  Read More

Effect of different levels of crude protein and probiotic (protexin) on performance and blood metabolites of laying hens

M. Mohsenzadeh; A. Novbakht; A. R. Safamehr

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 133-144

  This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of crude protein and probiotic in diets on performance, egg quality  and blood biochemical and immunity parameters of laying hens. A completely randomized design with factorial method (2×4) was conducted in which two ...  Read More

Effect of prebiotic (Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall) on performance, carcass traits and intestinal morphology in broilers

K. Orami; A. Novbakht

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 145-158

  This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall on performance, carcass traits and intestinal morphology in broilers. In this experiment 240 Ross- 308 broilers were used in 4 treatments, 5 replicates and 12 bird in each replicate in a ...  Read More

Effect of different levels of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) and cumin (Cuminum cyminum )essential oils on antioxidant status, lipid peroxidation and blood serum metabolites in broiler chicks

R. Habibi; B. Mahmodi; A. m. Vatan khah; Ghasem Jalilvand

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 159-172

  This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different levels of essential oils of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) and cumin (Cuminum cyminum (on antioxidant status, lipid peroxidation and serum metabolites in broiler chickens for 42 days. 336 day-old male broiler chicks (Ross 308) were allocated ...  Read More

Effects of testosterone and growth hormone injection on production performance and egg quality at the late phase of reproduction

H. Mohammadi; Zarbakht Ansari Pirsaraei

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 173-182

  The experiment was designed to study the changes in production performance and egg quality of old laying hens after injection of different doses of growth hormone (GH) and testosterone (Ts). A total of 160 old laying hens (HyLine W-36) at 73 wks of age were randomly assigned to four treatments with four ...  Read More

Effects of rosemary extract on growth, some blood parameters and carcass characteristics of broilers consuming sodium nitrate in drinking water

A. R. akhavast; M. Daneshyar

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 183-194

  Two hundred and twenty one-day male chicks (Ross 308) were used in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and four replicates each to investigate the effects of the different levels of 0.15, 0.3 and 0.6 percent rosemary extract along with nitrate (27.4 mg sodium nitrate/liter water) in drinking ...  Read More

Prediction of amino acids contents in corn and wheat by using artificial neural network model and multiple linear regression

F. sarani; H. R. Mirzaei; M. Yosefollahi; K. Akbarzadeh; M. Salehi Dindarlo

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 195-204

  To determine the amount of food amino acid and to spend time in the laboratories are expensive & time-consuming due to a chemical analysis. In the current laboratories, digestion NIRS method is widely used for this purpose. But this method has technical limitation. Therefor is important find appropriate ...  Read More

Efficiency of hydroponic green fodder as animal feed

Hasan Fazaeli

Volume 27, Issue 103 , September 2014, Pages 205-214

  Since the last decades, hydroponic fodder production systems have been experienced in some parts of the world. During the germination process, the growth of embryo results in the rupture of the seed coat and emergence of a young plant which it reaches to about 20cm height in a week. Apparently, the concept ...  Read More